I have a few other projects on at the moment aside from the science thing and 11 second club. One of which is to do with different types of addiction aside from the usual drug/ alcohol addictions. The piece is part of one film, or more that it is a video game one of the characters plays. Sort of like a GTA game but not particularly about a criminal or thug, but about a police officer who genuinely tries to help people but soon becomes addicted to the power he has over them and loves his ability to arrest.
As he becomes corrupted by this power, he becomes more and more involved in a gang, initially bribed to protect them-somewhat grudgingly- he eventually befreinds the main leader behind the group helping ro 'protect their interests'.
This is where the design comes in. As written on it, he is based somewhat off Vlad from GTA 4, a game I admit to playng once in a while and I have restarted it again. So far I have blown up the garage in the north of the first Island for Faustin.
Anyway. I wanted a sort of younger Vlad-ish look, not exactly like him but having certain elements, like that damn mustache and shifty look. I haven't yet given him a name but I will look up a few gangster names (more London Gangsters, proper Cockney buggers, innit?) and see where it goes.
Anyways. Marie Cuire is coming soon, as will a full body desgin for Mr Vlad Knockoff here. See you soon!