Monday, 17 October 2011

Ryan Dunn tribute comic.

3 months late, but I tried.

See Ryan Dunn shove a bus up his backside! One upping his most memorable Jackass stunt.
 You may be saying, 'Oh but Jackass is so stupid. All it is , is dumb poo gags, guys getting hit in the crotch  and a fat dude and a midget running around like morons.' Yes it is pretty dumb but what do you expect from a show called JACKASS? An examination into the history of quantum mechanics? A look into the minds of geniuses like Stephen Hawkings and Einstein?
  I do enjoy more enlightening television shows and documentaries, I like to learn and understand the world as much as I can. I watch shows like QI, Mythbusters, Documentaries about art and artists, and nearly anything on science and history. I am a nerd...or at least fairly dorky. But I don't brag about my intellect. I hate people like that. 'Oh I have an IQ of 152, and I am a member of MENSA'  whoop dee bloody doo. Go tell someone who cares. We all have a level of idiocy. No matter how small, or great it is. For every Stephen Hawking there is in the world there's a good 10 Wayne Rooneys along with it. Let's face it.
  I like Jackass because (although it does warn against copying the OBVIOUSLEY dangerous Stunts and acts) it allows me to watch idiotic acts without the full consequences. I like to learn but I also like to laugh and Jackass has brought a LOT of laughter, and wincing. From Wee-Man as a skateboarding Oompa Loompa, to Preston Lacy standing on top of a rickity Port a potty petrified (and then munching on some prescription pill or another and retaking it clam as a breeze).

 Ryan's death was a shock. I thought (like many would) that it would be Steve-O or Preston first. Of course I had no idea that Ryan was so wreakless a driver and had drunk drove before. It is a tragedy, but it was also pretty stupid of him to drink-drive. Especially going at that speed. Not only did he die but so did a friend of his Zachary Hartwell.
  Jackass's future is sort of uncertain. There has so far been no real decision to carry on, or the franchise is at least on hold out of respect of Dunn and Hartwell's families and friends.

 All I do know is, every so often, I like to pop in a Jackass DVD, press play and watch a bunch of idiots kick each other in the nads. Or get chsaed by a bull...or drink a fat dudes sweat...or whatever sick, stupid crap they can think of.

Johnny Knoxville, Preston Lacy, Wee-Man, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Danger Ehren, Dave England and all the other butt munches, thanks for the laughs.

Actual work related drawings coming soon.

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