Monday 17 October 2011

Ryan Dunn tribute comic.

3 months late, but I tried.

See Ryan Dunn shove a bus up his backside! One upping his most memorable Jackass stunt.
 You may be saying, 'Oh but Jackass is so stupid. All it is , is dumb poo gags, guys getting hit in the crotch  and a fat dude and a midget running around like morons.' Yes it is pretty dumb but what do you expect from a show called JACKASS? An examination into the history of quantum mechanics? A look into the minds of geniuses like Stephen Hawkings and Einstein?
  I do enjoy more enlightening television shows and documentaries, I like to learn and understand the world as much as I can. I watch shows like QI, Mythbusters, Documentaries about art and artists, and nearly anything on science and history. I am a nerd...or at least fairly dorky. But I don't brag about my intellect. I hate people like that. 'Oh I have an IQ of 152, and I am a member of MENSA'  whoop dee bloody doo. Go tell someone who cares. We all have a level of idiocy. No matter how small, or great it is. For every Stephen Hawking there is in the world there's a good 10 Wayne Rooneys along with it. Let's face it.
  I like Jackass because (although it does warn against copying the OBVIOUSLEY dangerous Stunts and acts) it allows me to watch idiotic acts without the full consequences. I like to learn but I also like to laugh and Jackass has brought a LOT of laughter, and wincing. From Wee-Man as a skateboarding Oompa Loompa, to Preston Lacy standing on top of a rickity Port a potty petrified (and then munching on some prescription pill or another and retaking it clam as a breeze).

 Ryan's death was a shock. I thought (like many would) that it would be Steve-O or Preston first. Of course I had no idea that Ryan was so wreakless a driver and had drunk drove before. It is a tragedy, but it was also pretty stupid of him to drink-drive. Especially going at that speed. Not only did he die but so did a friend of his Zachary Hartwell.
  Jackass's future is sort of uncertain. There has so far been no real decision to carry on, or the franchise is at least on hold out of respect of Dunn and Hartwell's families and friends.

 All I do know is, every so often, I like to pop in a Jackass DVD, press play and watch a bunch of idiots kick each other in the nads. Or get chsaed by a bull...or drink a fat dudes sweat...or whatever sick, stupid crap they can think of.

Johnny Knoxville, Preston Lacy, Wee-Man, Steve-O, Chris Pontius, Danger Ehren, Dave England and all the other butt munches, thanks for the laughs.

Actual work related drawings coming soon.

Saturday 1 October 2011

More drawings.

Here's the other drawing I've been whipping up. The moment of realisation that hits the cop character, John Bunnel that he has become corrupt. Now you may think I based the characters name on the former Sherrif and narrator of 'World's Wildest Police Chases' because I hate the guy. Not really. I love the programme and think he's done a great service. i just needed to find a good cop name and started searching on google for prolific cops. Really I should have gone for KNOWN corrupt cops, but...I was lazy. So, to the REAL mr Bunnell, I apologise for any insult to your name. Please don't sue.

More drawings soon.

Friday 30 September 2011

Just another doodle.

For donut studios thing. From the sounds of it that science project is dead in the water. THANKS FOR WARNING ME SHAUN! YOU ARE SO RELIABLE. I hate it when this happens. 'oh there's a project I want help with. Do some drawings and animation for me.' Half way through suddenly I hear NOTHING from them. No emails, no texts. I ask their collegues what's going on...'We dunno where he is, haven't seen him for a while.' If you didn't like my artwork just say, don't frikking jump ship when I have my back turned.

Sorry, just frustrated. This is the second time it's happened to me and it feels awful.

Terrible aren't they? It's my first time working with light and perspective, especially working out torches and flashlight light beams. But I'm working on it.

More scribbles and stuff soon!

Saturday 24 September 2011

Red Dead Redemption: Inbred Horse edition.

You may be wondering what the hell this is about. Did I get a job at Rockstar and designed a new download for the Red Dead series? No. But I have been playing the game recently and experienced  riding on a retarded horse.
 It was the racing mission you do with Bonnie Macfarlane and I was winning. I had a good lead. Sadly I must have ran out of tiger blood or been riding on a inbred horse because....hell, I'll show you.

Behold my crappy comic of how my horse decided to take a shortcut (TO DEATH) by leaping off a bridge. Way to go you dumbass! Also note, I can't draw horses. I try but the legs always get me.

Monday 5 September 2011

Sorry bout lack of updates.

Yeah, I admit to being a lazy prat sometimes. Heck, all the time. Even right now. Seriously...RIGHT NOW!

Here's a few images I have been working on recently, all for the cop project and all to do with the cop's decline into corruption and overzealous brutality to both criminals and innocent civilians.

The more I look at this the more I think I could have, and SHOULD have darkened this a touch.

Ahh. Nothing like drawing a decent bit of racial profiling and brutality to make you hate the world!

More coming soon, unless yet again I forget because of my utter idleness.

See ya!

Saturday 23 April 2011

Stephen Fry. Quick doodle.

Eh, just been messing about really trying to get back into doodling. I've been a fan of his work for a fair while now, infact since I first saw Blackadder as a child and was able to fully appreciate his acting. He is a great actor, writer, in some ways a comedian or at least he has a sharp wit. It'd be fantastic to meet him but then again most of the celebrities I hoped to meet have sadly passed on. Barry White, Leslie Neilsen, Rodney Dangerfield. I'm not saying Mr Fry is old, just that I have bad luck with most of my favorite actors passing. Neilsen's death was a big "Awww dammit!" moment for me, then again he was 84 or so.
 Hmm, I aught to do a quick Drebin sketch. Love those movies, even the last one was pretty amusing. Not the best, but a good chuckle or three in there.

Agh, I'm yacking on here...Tommorow, character designs of the Cop and some more science stuff coming soon. See ya then.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Lise Meitner, Issac Newton and ...Josef Mengele?

I have to say he does have a rather bizzare similarity in looks with Brian May. It's like looking at an alternate universe verion of him. Anyhow, the full body drawings of Mr Newton/ May are coming soon.

Lise Meitner was part of the original team who discovered neuclear fission. Her work on this was effectively stolen by a collegue, Otto Han. He got a Nobel Prize, but some historians believe she should have had the award, as though he said his chemistry alone had discovered it, he could not explain it.
Not to say that she didn't get any awards for her work, but she is an example of female scientist's work being overlooked.

Finally, we come to one of the worst monsters in history. Pretty much a literal mad scientist who's experiments where only for his sick gratification. No he didn't make any Frankenstein-esque beasts, nor horrid viruses like you'd see in old B-movies. This man was a sick individual as where the people who hired and worked with him.

Josef Mengele, otherwise known as The Angel of Death. A German SS officer and Physician in Auschwitz-Birkenau. He initially started out selecting who was to live and who was to die in the camps, but soon started experiments on selected victims, including the children. This included creating Siamese twins by sewing together two individuals (often without anesthetic) trying to change the eye colour of an inmate, often killing or blinding them and sterilising children. I don't want to say any more because frankly I feel sick already.

The frontal picture may look a bit off in the eyes, but the photo it comes from is damn creepy to look at. He must have had lazy eye at some point because his eyes pretty much  do look like that in the pic.

Ughhh. I'll continue with posting again sometime. Perhaps do some for the cop project. Maybe some random doodles. We'll see.